
  • By using our website, you agree to these terms. If you don’t agree, please don’t use the site.

Using the Website

  • You need to be at least 18 to use the site.
  • You’re responsible for the accuracy of the information you provide.
  • Don’t use the site for anything illegal.

Products and Prices

  • We try to make sure our product descriptions and prices are accurate, but they might change without notice.

Orders and Payment

  • When you order something, you agree to pay for it.
  • Payment happens when you place your order.

Shipping and Delivery

  • We’ll try to get your order to you on time, but sometimes there might be delays.
  • Shipping costs and times vary.

Returns and Refunds

  • You can return stuff within [number of days], following our return policy.
  • You’ll get a refund minus any shipping or restocking fees.

Intellectual Property

  • All the content on our site belongs to us. Don’t use it without permission.

Limitation of Liability

  • We’re not responsible for any damages from using our site or products.
  • Our maximum liability is what you paid for the products.

Governing Law

  • These terms are governed by the laws of [Your Jurisdiction].

Changes to Terms and Conditions

  • We might update these terms, so check back occasionally. If you keep using the site, it means you accept the changes.